Percussion is the study of mallet instruments (marimba, xylophone,
and bells) and snare drum/practice pad, not drum set like some
people may think. Since they learn two instruments, percussionists
must commit to more practice time at home than other instruments. Because of the amount of organization needed in the percussion
section it is the most select, hand-picked section of the band. Only
students with high academic grades, low discipline problems, and
extremely high gross and fine motor skills will be considered for
Percussion checklist
* Academically strong
* Organized
* Willing to practice more than other instruments
* Exceptional fine and gross motor skills
Other Considerations
Percussion families will need to purchase their own practice pad, pad stand, mallet bag and sticks. Additionally, percussionists need to rent a practice marimba from local music stores for $40 per month.